
The mouses looked at the ad one last time time as he stood in front of the door. "Experianced otter dom seeking male sub for non commited fun". He was nervous, he stood inches from the door and wondered what he was doing. He had always like the tought the though of subbing, but he had never done it. He took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell. His heart raced and he had the sudden urge to run but he stayed.


Félix Rêverie opened the door and let you in. He invited you to the living room where on the coffee table you could see tea and cup. "Do you care about a cup of tea.". He was happy that someone answered his on line advertisement. He sat down when you did. He was emanating assertiveness but he didn't want to seem overly dominant. He didn't want to scare you. He served you a cup of tea. "Do you have any questions for me? Also, before we start, I would want to discuss ground rules with you.".


Pantalaimon jumped out of the shower and shook his fur, patting himself down he exited the bathroom and headed to the back patio. It was summer and warm, the morning sun beaming down. Pants laid out on the patio boards, using the sun to dry his naked body.


Félix Rêverie appeared at the door that led to the patio. He took a bit to admire your naked body while you were drying in the sun. He giggled softly. He then joined you, pressing his naked body against yours. "Are we sunbathing?".


Pantalaimon was wearing a collar with a leash, he bent over the arm of the lounge, showing you his hole.


Félix Rêverie came back from work and opened the door. He wasn't prepared for what he saw next. He saw his boyfriend bent over ready for him. He closed the door rapidly to avoid the neighbors to see what was going on. He stepped out of his clothes and approached. His paws grabbed the leash and lubed himself. He went to town right away. "What a present."


Félix Rêverie had made room in his apartment. He was expecting raccoon friend, his boyfriend. This word was still new to him. He was happy that he wouldn't be alone in the apartment anymore. His bed won't feel lonely at night. He arrived at the dorms with a truck to load your stuff into it.


Pantalaimon looked at the window and smiled, running downstairs he almost tripped from the excitement. "Heyyyyy~." Pants' said with a big grin on his face, spotting the truck he giggled, "I live in a dorm, I don't own any of my furniture." He booped your nose and gave you a hug.


Pantalaimon tied his tie and headed out the door, to use one of Félix's words he was beaming. A week of coffees and campus lunches had only worked wonders, and tonight was to be better. The Raccoon plodded along the pavement to the parking lot at the end of the front gardens, keeping an eye out for his Otter friend and his car.


Félix Rêverie was on his best. He was carefully clothed in a suit and tie. He had no difficulty to tie it. He had lots of experience with his religious nut jobs of parents and their obsession with church. He entered his car and drove to the meeting point. He arrived slightly early but he saw his raccoon friend. He parked and went straight ahead to meet him. "Hello handsome. The tie suits you." He had a big smile on his face.


Félix Rêverie wakes up from the sun rays tickling his lutrine eyes and muzzles. He could feel the warmth of the light. He woke up slowly and felt someone at his sides. He snuggled close to that warm and fluffy body. His sheath brushed against the bushy tail of his bed companion. He stired a bit before nuzzling his friend's neck while his paws were caressing and discovering the body beside him. "Morning sunshine."


Pantalaimon flicked his ears to the sound of his bedmates voice, the raccoon curled his legs and snuggled backwards into his friend snuggling him. "Good morning~." He said in a drowsy tone, as he yawned and flicked his ears again.


Félix Rêverie was waiting in front the cinema. He was looking at his phone to see if he had received a text and to check the time. His raccoon friend wasn't late yet. So he was trying to be patient.


Pantalaimon was sitting across the road in the Oak cafe, he could see Félix waiting at the cinema.

Pants looked at his coffee, empty, time to go, "This'll be great, just give it a go."

The raccoon didn't do dates, there was that one bear at the party but that didn't count. "Me and him, a date!?" He mumbled to himself.

Crossing the road he took a deep breath and waved to his otter friend.


Félix Rêverie headed over to the college library. He was the tech guy on campus always on call for computer problems. He was called because the computers used by the visitors had lost internet connection. He entered the building and headed to the scene. He crouched and started to check the cables under the table. His tail was lashing behind him.


Pantalaimon was writing the last of his lecture notes when his video stopped. The raccoon let out a quiet snarl as he pressed the play button over and over again before getting up in a huff.

Looking over the table he could see the shape of someone behind. Approaching the man he let out an exclamation in a rude and hurried tone, "Excuse me."


This is an ongoing RP with my writing partner Axel. Please be aware that this is a work in progress. There will be regular updates on this pages.

Don't copy any content of this page to other websites. 


Axel walks down the street, it was darkish, but he had no choice, his owner had just kicked him out because he had begun a rut, he was desperate to please and be pleased, sadly... his owner just didn't want that, so here he was, walking down the cold street at night wanting nothing more than love and care but only receiving coldness and harsh words from passers by.


This is an ongoing RP with my writing partner Garros. Please be aware that this is a work in progress. There will be regular updates on this pages.

Don't copy any content of this page to other websites. 


Orange and yellow light poured into the room and onto two figures sitting at opposite sides of a long desk. A grim, stoic expression etched itself across a wide wolf’s face under which was wrapped a brown, formal suit and tie around a thick, furry neck.
